If you feel stuck in a rut or like you simply cannot break a negative thought pattern, this is for you! These four mindset shifts changed my life and they can change yours too! It’s important to note that we all have limiting beliefs that can hold us back from achieving our goals and living our best lives. But you can make a change and impact in your life in a big way! Ready to shift your mindset? Let me know which of the four mindset shifts you plan to try out!
Mindset Shift #1: Focus on the Present Moment
If you live in constant anxiety and struggle to stay present, this will be a game changer for you. Being filled with anxiety wasn’t serving me so I know this mindset shift had to happen. Instead of worrying about the past or the future, I started focusing on what was happening right now. The practical tools I used were practicing gratitude and not making super long term goals. For the goals that I did create, I would do check-ins monthly to ensure they were still valuable (and relevant) to me. Not having my phone at dinner or when I’m watching a movie, also allowed me to put my attention in the present moment. This mindset shift helped me overall be more present and enjoy the moments that I’m currently in.
Mindset Shift #2: Let go of perfectionism
I used to be a perfectionist and it was holding me back. I was always trying to make everything perfect and it was exhausting. But when I let go of that need for perfection, I was able to be more creative and spontaneous, and it made my life much better. Some of the practical things you can do to let go of perfectionism is learning how to sit with mistakes and learning how to forgive yourself for those mistakes. As perfectionists, we don’t like negative outcomes. If we feel things aren’t perfect, then a fear of failure and conflict sets in. With this mindset shift, I learned to celebrate when a task was done, rather than when it was perfect. Done is better than perfect. I promise!
Mindset Shift #3: Focus on gratitude
This one is so good! I think this was the biggest mindset shift that made my life so much better. I started to appreciate the things that I had instead of always wanting more. Not because I didn’t want to strive for more but because I wasn’t feeling great doing so. With not being grateful for what we have, we start a comparison cycle that can be unhealthy. Appreciating the moments that life has given me and recognizing these blessings have been so beneficial. If you truly want good things to come to you, gratitude is the best practice you can incorporate into your routine. Comparison will no longer be a thing and you’ll have the tools you need because you appreciate the life you have. Overall, this has made me happier and more content with my life.
To view some of my favorite physical tools (journals) for practicing gratitude, read this post!
Mindset Shift #4: Be kinder to myself
I used to be really hard on myself and it was taking a toll on my mental health. I would constantly compare, “should” myself, and call myself names. Criticizing myself wasn’t getting me to my goals any faster! But when I started to be kinder to myself and let go of self-judgment, I was able to be more compassionate and understanding. It’s an amazing realization to have when you accept that you are human. you deserve to tell yourself nice things. It will impact your day and your life. When we shift our negative self talk, we are able to make major progress toward loving and forgiving ourselves.
In conclusion, mindset shifts can have a huge impact on our lives. By making these 4 shifts, I was able to be more present, let go of perfectionism, focus on gratitude, and be kinder to myself. What is a mindset shift you’d like to try this quarter?
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