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Let's Just Talk about Boundaries 

When Your Therapist Isn't A Good Fit

Enneagram & Therapy

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I'm Monica — therapist for women entrepreneurs I'm here to help you make you feel confident in both life and business.

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Kameron Monet is an attorney, content creator, and YouTuber, who showcases her life as a non-traditional lawyer through her content and divulges all the behind the scenes details. I had the opportunity to sit down and chat with Kameron about her passions, how she prioritizes self-care, building a life she loves, and all the nitty […]

The Legal Side Of Being A Content Creator With Kameron Monet


Do you struggle with ADHD? Did you know there’s so many misconceptions people have about what adhd is like and even less information about how it affects women entrepreneurs? That’s why I decided to bring business coach Jessi Romero, to share her unique challenges as a female entrepreneur with adhd. We chat about stigma in […]

The ADHD Entrepreneur with Jessi Romero


Do you think she just woke up one morning and said, “I think I’ll go to law school (I mean be an entrepreneur) today…” Tell me you know the scene I’m talking about because just like Elle Woods this is literally how some of us chose to become entrepreneurs.  Most entrepreneurs will tell you that […]

The Accidental Entrepreneur Kaylie Ricks


As entrepreneurs, we all follow our own paths.  For some of us, the rise to success can be a long, slow, painful process.  For others, things just seem to magically fall into place. I believe that the latter isn’t a result of magic, however, but is a sure sign of an entrepreneur who understands the […]

10 Lessons Every Entrepreneur Must Learn



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Mental Health 



Let's Work Together

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Listen to the Podcast

Let's Just Talk about Boundaries 

When Your Therapist Isn't A Good Fit

Enneagram & Therapy

Turning Pain into Purpose & Finding Your Worth

podcast episodes

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tune into the show on apple podcasts!

I'm Monica — therapist for women entrepreneurs I'm here to help you make you feel confident in both life and business.