What separates successful business owners from all the others it’s clearly one key thing – an entrepreneur mindset. No matter what the problem small business owners face, in crisis or under regular circumstances, their mindset has a huge impact on the outcome.
In this week’s episode, I chat with Molly Ho an amazing digital product expert to discuss all things mindset and entrepreneurship. Molly Ho shares her experiences from working a minimum wage job to going into business for herself. She gives tangible tools to overcome mindset blocks and build confidence to grow and scale your business with digital products.
More about the guest:
Molly Ho is an Asian-American entrepreneur who helps aspiring and new entrepreneurs with their mindset, marketing, and money, so they can create their dream life and business. She has created an amazing community of over 17,000 Instagram followers, has sold over 1,000 design templates, and helped hundreds of entrepreneurs with her marketing courses; myself included. She is also the founder of Keep Getting Paid, a one-stop-shop for all your business and marketing needs.
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