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How To Cope With Panic Attacks and Manage Your Anxiety Disorder

May 9, 2024

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Why do some people experience panic attacks, an intense episode of anxiety, and others don’t? I sat down with licensed mental health counselor and anxiety treatment specialist Justine Carino to get to the bottom of this. We’re diving into everything you need to know about anxiety disorders, panic attacks, understanding triggers, and giving some tools, techniques and strategies to help you better cope with them. If this conversation helped provide some tangible tips, let me know in the comments below. I’d love to hear your takeaways!

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About the Guest:

Justine Carino is a licensed mental health counselor, anxiety treatment specialist and host of “Thoughts from the Couch” podcast. Justine currently maintains a group private practice in New York. She helps individuals and families decrease symptoms of anxiety and depression, recover from anxiety disorders, improve their relationships, and set better boundaries. Justine has over 10 years of experience and uses both cognitive behavioral therapy techniques and family systems techniques when working with her clients. Justine’s advice has been featured in various media outlets such as Cosmo, Forbes,The Huffington Post, News 12 Westchester and The Self-Helpless Podcast. 


Can you explain what happens during a panic attack? 

A panic attack feels like an intense wave of fear that hits suddenly. You might experience a pounding heart, difficulty breathing, or even feel like you’re temporarily paralyzed. It’s like your body is reacting to a danger that isn’t actually there.

How is that different from general anxiety?

General anxiety is more like a constant, low-level worry that doesn’t really go away—it’s with you all day. Panic attacks, on the other hand, are acute episodes that come on suddenly and are usually over relatively quickly, even though they’re intense.

Are people with anxiety disorders more likely to experience panic attacks? 

Yes, they are. If you have an anxiety disorder, your baseline level of anxiety is higher, which makes you more susceptible to panic attacks. However, even people who don’t generally suffer from anxiety can experience a panic attack under significant stress.

How can people manage the fixation on body sensations without becoming overwhelmed? 

Practicing mindfulness is key. It involves being present and aware of what you’re thinking and feeling without overreacting. For example, if you notice your heart pounding, acknowledge it and think about ways to care for yourself in that moment instead of jumping to the conclusion that you’re having a panic attack. This approach helps manage the immediate sensations without escalating anxiety.

Can you list some mindfulness techniques that are helpful during a panic attack? 

Simple yet effective techniques include deep breathing, which helps switch off the fight or flight response and activates relaxation. Box breathing is one method where you inhale, hold, and exhale for equal counts. Another technique is the five senses exercise, where you go through what you see, touch, taste, smell, and hear to ground yourself. Also, identifying colors around you or naming your emotions can help recalibrate your response by engaging the cortex and calming the amygdala.

Is there anything else people can do if they find themselves in a panic attack? 

Yes, changing your environment can help a lot. If you’re indoors, step outside or splash cold water on your face. Remind yourself that you are safe and that the panic attack will pass. Self-talk can be incredibly powerful in these situations. The key is to remember that while the sensations are intense, they are not indicative of any real and present danger.

What can people do to manage their anxiety and prevent panic attacks? 

Knowing what triggers your anxiety is crucial. Techniques like deep breathing, mindfulness, and grounding exercises can really help. It’s also important to remember that while panic attacks are intense, they are also temporary.

How can someone start their journey toward better managing their anxiety? 

Starting is the hardest part, but reaching out for professional help is a strong move. Therapy can provide tailored strategies and support. Anxiety is manageable, and you don’t have to do it alone.

Guest Contact:

To connect with Justine follow her on Instagram or check out her website at

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