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I'm Monica — therapist for women entrepreneurs I'm here to help you make you feel confident in both life and business.


How to Manage Your Small Business Finances with Danielle Hayden

July 11, 2024

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In this episode of the Summer Reset Series, I am joined by Danielle Hayden, CEO of Kickstart Accounting. Danielle shares her decade-long expertise in corporate and small business finance, focusing on empowering female entrepreneurs. Together, we dive into the essential financial numbers every business owner needs to know, how to leverage those numbers for strategic goal setting, and the importance of investing in healthy spending for increased profitability. We also discuss budgeting tactics, understanding financial metrics, and real-life client success stories to provide actionable insights for small business owners. Don’t miss this in-depth conversation filled with practical advice and tools to help you conquer your business finances.

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About the Guest:

Danielle Hayden is a reformed corporate CFO (chief financial officer) who is on a mission to help rule-breaking female entrepreneurs understand their numbers so they can gain the confidence needed to create sustainable profits. After spending 10+ years in the boardroom as a corporate finance officer, Danielle is now in her sweet spot as the CEO of Kickstart Accounting, Inc. where she helps business owners with bookkeeping, financial analysis, and education and as the author of the Profit Planner book series. When Danielle isn’t in her money mindset you can find her hiking or spending time with her family.

Guest Contact:

To connect with Danielle Hayden check out her website at

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I'm Monica — therapist for women entrepreneurs I'm here to help you make you feel confident in both life and business.

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